
Friday, April 9

Project #5 – A Book of Recipes

I’ve been hoping that I could get my recipes that I’ve collected from numerous locations under control. So this project was well overdue!

As some of you know, I’ve been working hard at making exercise in one way or another a part of my daily life, and meal planning has been a large part of the steps toward a healthy lifestyle. I know, it all sounds cliche, but it’s really working for me!

Slowly but surely everything is starting to work, and so I’m proud to present my recipe book!

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It’s a simple 1-1/2” binder with plastic sheet protectors to hold all of the pieces. Presently, it’s just a hodge-podge of mine and Garrett’s favorite recipes so that I have them all in one place for quick reference. My documents aren’t in a specific order, and they’re not written in a specific format; I have handwritten recipes from friends, notes on how to cook potatoes, photocopies from my favorite cookbooks, and some of Garrett’s favorite recipes from his mom.

The best part about this book is that it’s low maintenance. I just slip something new into a page, and if I need a recipe, I pop the binder open and use the page as-is in the protector (because that’s what protectors are for!)

I have yet to make a “fabulous” cover, so in the meantime the random things I have stuck in there will have to do. It stands out all on it’s own though, because all my other binders for school are brightly colored!

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