Blog world, FiancĂ©. FiancĂ©, Blog world. Yep, we decided to make it official… back in August. So I’m a bit of a slacker, and there are quite a few people who haven’t heard our little tale, but I’m going to try my best to explain to you the hilarity of our engagement through photos.
Meet my darling dearest….
Now normally, he’s a very cool, collected kind-of guy. But he was actually rather twitchy and nervous. I may have suspected something was up, but honestly, I wasn’t going to ruin this for him.
We put together a picnic, of much tasty name-brand goodness direct from the grocery store (yea, college kids!)
There is only one place in Brookings, apparently, to get engaged, and that is McCrory Gardens. We found a place far away from small children, lawn mowers, highway 14, and the people we could see and knew, but didn’t know we were here.
The point of the afternoon was at my pleading of wanting to fly a kite before it got cold again. South Dakota unfortunately does not have a very long warm season, so I really wanted to make that happen. We decided to make an afternoon of it though, so after I got off work, I ran to drop some things off with friends (who not so ironically pestered me about when we were getting engaged) then back to the house to get ready for the day.
Garrett went and got cheap, plastic kites and he even got us tickets to go see the community theater youth production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory that a good friend was directing for that night. After our picnic, we played some card games, enjoyed the weather, then he brought out the game that he had alluded to more than once over the previous week. He produced a pen, and a sheet of questions, and a blank crossword puzzle with a two letter clue that ended with a question mark.
Last I checked, that gives it away.
While not wanting to call him out about how obvious it was, I agreed to play along and complete the puzzle that was filled with historical and biblical questions, and get down to the clues that I was told I could ask for when I reached the end of the puzzle.
He painstakingly made me put the question all together, then said something sweet and before I even knew he had the ring, I was saying yes. You see, we had been in Minnesota that previous weekend, where we had looked at rings, and he had assured me that they still needed to order the stone and he only had gone in to have the financing figured out.
I haven’t had the opportunity to take too many photos of the ring yet, so expect more to come, but for the time being this will have to suffice!
The lighting isn’t the best, but it’s a natural blue sapphire in a white gold cathedral setting, exactly what we had been looking at with the jewelers. Love it.
So that’s our ridiculous tale, we’re engaged, and wedding planning, so there will be lots to hear from us coming up!